Acceptable Use Policy

This policy sets out rules which apply to your use of the service.

(Us, we and our refers to the hotel, its management and our service providers)

Complying with this policy ensures you and others may continue to enjoy optimum use of the service.

You must ensure anyone who uses this service complies with this policy.

Fair Play

You must not transfer a type or quantity of data which may adversely affect the service. We may reduce the speed of your connection if the type of quantity of data you transfer is not what we think is "fair play".

We want to provide a quality service to all our customers. You must therefore not transfer an unreasonable type or quantity of data which may adversely affect the service.

Absolute Data limit

We will reduce the speed of your connection if the type or quantity of data you transfer is not what we think is "fair play".

Responsible Usage

You must not use the service, attempt to use the service or allow the service to be used in any way

  • Breach of law: which results in you or us breaching, or being involved in a breach of the law;
  • Damage to property or people: which results in damage to property or injury to anyone including harassing, menacing, breaching the privacy of or stalking any person;
  • Protection of minors: which enables a minor to access material inappropriate for a minor or to establish contact with a minor not otherwise known to you;
  • Discrimination: which unlawfully incites discrimination, hate or violence;
  • Obscene, defamatory, offensive, abusive: to send, display, access, make available, publish, distribute or be otherwise involved in material which is restricted, or prohibited by law or which is likely to be obscene, defamatory, offensive or abusive;
  • Illegal business practices: to engage in any misleading or deceptive business or illegal business or marketing practice;
  • The rights of others: which infringes any person's rights or puts you in breach of an obligation. This includes breach of intellectual property rights, moral rights or someone else's confidential information;
  • Interfering with service: to interfere with the proper operation of the service;
  • Newsgroups, forums and chatrooms: to contribute to, or participate in, a newsgroup, forum or chat room in a way that has an adverse effect on the proper operation of those newsgroups, forums and chat rooms;
  • Unsolicited commercial electronic messages (SPAM): to send or be involved in the sending of SPAM including excessive messages to newsgroups;
  • Virus, denial of service attacks: to do anything in connection with any program (including a virus, trojan horse, worm, cancelbot, time bomb), or activity (including a denial of service attack), that is designed to allow unauthorised control of, or adversely effect a computer, network or data;
  • Open relay and port probing: to access or use networks or data without consent (including through open relay, port probing and the use of packet sniffers); and
  • Spoofing: to forge header information, email source addresses or other user information.

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